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It's time to make a change in your career and your projects!

Whether you don't have the time or you understand that you need a private teacher to take your photography forward. Here's what I propose to you.

I already follow 15 artists and photographers.

Artistic consultancy for photographers and artists.
Moving in the art world is not easy, galleries, magazines, curators, museums, an often mysterious world for artists.
I've been working in this area for 20 years, I'm a talent scout, I collaborate with many Italian and foreign companies and I've learned what are the typical mistakes of emerging talents, what are the essential tools for having visibility, how to present yourself and much, much more. I want to provide you with these tools.

My service aims to help you get to the contacts you need, to teach you to be self-sufficient in your artistic operations and to create an online visibility and reputation.

There is room for everyone.

You just need to understand how to work and how to move.

That's why I decided to create these services, alongside my webinars, courses, workshops.

Per fotografi e artisti

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