A constantly evolving project that is born and develops simultaneously on the web and in the real world, the web, social networks become an essential part of the work in this work.
The project starts in 2016 in December.
It will deal with the theme of Violence against women but in a very different way from how it is treated by all the campaigns in circulation.
It will deal with BEFORE and AFTER violence, that is
prevention and reconstruction and the reintegration of people who have suffered violence.
The cornerstone of the project is COMMUNICATION, the abandonment of stereotypes such as bruises, blood, banal and redundant phrases that have accompanied this theme in recent years.
COMMUNICATION on social networks.
Second point is the ART made available to the victims of violence.
Third point is the creation of a real network that gives a point of reference to those who suffer violence.
The fourth point is the collection of money to finance the reception centers.
Fifth point is AFTER VIOLENCE,
Performances and artistic installations to demonstrate that you can get out of these tunnels and that you can go back to living even better than before, with an experiential baggage that makes you precious for the Company.
Both individuals and companies collaborated, supported and financed the project.
The project continues in many European cities and on Social Networks.
By subscribing to this newsletter you will be informed about all future events related to the project.
Crowfounding facing
to private individuals and companies
to finance the project
on social networks.
Christmas 2016

The three images selected with the Fine Art Seen gallery in London for the first Crowfounding
Collaboration with
the London gallery
Fine art Seen
for the sale of three works, the proceeds of which will go to the financing of associations working on the issue of violence against women. The project is also developed on the Facebook page
We Social 4 Women.

This page also becomes an active link with women victims of violence on the web, who write their experiences privately to the artist.
From these experiences many videos, photographs, poems are born that are re-proposed on the artist's various social channels

The artist creates a photographic work on the theme of reconstruction
The artist creates a video work on the theme of reconstruction

Geneva 2017
A series of videos made with the Vjing technique are presented at the Maison de la Jonction in Geneva on the occasion of an evening on Italian culture abroad.

Vanessa Rusci participates in conferences, panels, events related to the theme of violence against women

The project is naturally merged with the artist's About Your Body project. After a careful study on Narcissism and Psychological Violence, Vanessa understands that for the prevention of Violence it is important to work on female self-esteem and that it is a mistake to focus exclusively on the Physical and Psychological Violence phenomenon in the couple. About your body, the self-portrait workshop for women only, which works on the theme of beauty and stereotype, becomes a personal performative diary on an Instagram account, where the artist undertakes a work on herself, photography, care, knowledge, experimentation on one's own body and on women's problems related to what she calls LIMITING and HARMFUL BELIEFS for self-esteem.
Vanessa is also contacted by Brands di Lingerie to represent them in their work as a Curvy over 45 model on the Bodypositive trend that About your Body follows as a basic philosophy.

For info on these works, contact the artist in the Contacts section
In this step begins a series of Shooting with women who volunteer to be photographed naked or in lingerie.
Women aged 18 to 60, of all sizes.
It is in this step that the real contamination between female problems marries the concept of nudity and sexual freedom that the artist carries on from
many years.
In fact, for Vanessa Rusci nudity is mainly freedom from the preconceptions and stereotypes imposed by a society that tramples on the rights of the human being, a freedom that naturally flows into the theme of sexual freedom.
He therefore worked extensively on the themes of eroticism and seduction.
Telling women (and women) about the beauty and truth of their bodies.
Working on the IDEAL image (one of the cornerstones of About your body research). Working on the stereotype and making "normal" real women models for an afternoon, apparently far from the canons of beauty imposed by the media.
At this moment the beginning of a research is also taking place that will bring the work also on the theme of human rights, regardless of gender.
Lisa Bolognesi - VaRu 2018 About your body

For info on these works, contact the artist in the Contacts section
In London in 2019 with the collaboration of the Artist Michelangelo Bonitatibus and the support of the NNC Gallery London, he created part of the images for the exhibition "About My Body, The Tao of Beauty, which will be exhibited in December 2019 at Antonio's Spazio Bam. Manta in Arezzo.
At that time he also began the study for images on sexual identity
including the issue of sexual discrimination in Noi Social 4 Women.
Chiara Ceselli - VaRu 2018 About your body

SP London - VaRu 2018 About your body: Identity

Self portrait VaRu London - VaRu 2018 About your body: Identity

MB VaRu London - VaRu 2018 About your body: Identity
After about 20 years of work on her own body, on the nude, Vanessa realizes
About your body, the Tao of beauty.
A reflection on all the women's issues addressed to date.
Beauty, stereotype, decay, aging, media pressures, eroticism, seduction, nudity.
From this work shot partly in London with the help of Michelangelo Bonitatibus and partly in Grosseto, the artist's hometown,
About my body the Tao of Beauty.
In this work Vanessa returns to the photographic print, to the "classic" exhibition, photographs hanging on the walls.
This is the result of long discussions with photographer Antonio Manta, the printer of great photographers such as Nino Miglior and Luciana Traverso who brings Vanessa back to reflect on the concept of Photographic Printing, a concept abandoned for years by the artist, who preferred video installations or performance with photographs "used" and not attached to the walls.
17 images, average size 50x70 cm, are exhibited in December 2019 at the Bam space in Arezzo.
click here to see the work

Two images from the exhibition About my body the Tao of beauty.
Currently the project continues with the About Your Body Workshops, About My Body Exhibitions, while the artist residency in North Carolina scheduled for 2020 is blocked due to the Covid emergency, as well as conventions and conferences.
A performance in Geneva is scheduled for March 2021, if the Covid19 emergency is overcome.
For collaborations and information
write to info@vanessarusci.com
For these activities, awards were awarded in 2017 2018 and 2019 in the States and in France

Paris 2019 FDFA Award

New York 2018 Art Women
Malborough Contemporary Gallery